Mental Health

Urgent mental health support can be accessed through NHS 24/7 crisis lines

All our Ukrainian guests will have experienced psychological trauma due to the war in Ukraine and their need to leave their home country and friends and family, some will have experienced physical trauma and other traumas may have been experienced during their journey here and the processes involved.

Individual stories and personal responses differ but research and experience show that a proportion of, but not all, refugees will go on to experience distressing symptoms of mental ill health. This may be prevented or alleviated by promoting mental well-being and resilience as they settle into their new home and the whole Chew Valley Ukrainian Refugee Support is set up with this aim.

Other useful resources include: Daily on-line trauma and resilience support sessions for all Ukrainians Signposting service to sources of help and support. This is a guide to Psychological First Aid which is aimed at supporting people who have very recently experienced a "crisis event". It is available in many languages and includes advice about symptoms which need professional help. The website suggests that this service was only funded until 31 March but I have checked with them and the service is still available to anyone, in any part of the country, who has been affected by the Ukrainian situation. The best means of contact is by phone 0800 148 8586. They have interpreters and will have Ukrainian volunteers in the near future.

People who are experiencing severe mental health symptoms are best helped by timely, specialised care from trained health care professionals who are themselves supported to reduce the impact that hearing about other people’s trauma may have on their own health.

Access to such specialised services, whether NHS or other, is generally through referral by a GP and any Ukrainian guests with mental health concerns should be encouraged to contact their GP initially. The GP will be able to assess severity of symptoms, make informed referrals to appropriate services when necessary or offer other advice and treatments.

Self-referral for Psychological or Talking Therapies may be recommended by the GP and it is also possible to self refer without speaking to the GP . For people registered with GP practices in B&NES the link is: For those in North Somerset or Bristol practices the link is:

Those registered with North Somerset or Bristol practices can also access a 24/7 emotional support line:

Information about other mental health services in BaNES can be found here:

Children with emotional, psychological and mental health problems may need specialist support from CAMHS and can be referred by teachers, social workers and some other professionals as well as GPs. All schools have a designated mental health lead who is the best person to make a referral if a child is having problems at school or a teacher is concerned.

For further help or guidance contact: